Are you having trouble with your computer...? Camera won't connect...? Wireless networking not working...? Email not emailing...? Things just slow...? Not sure what to do about software upgrades...?

Don't let confusion and frustration get you down - call us - the doctor is in, and we can help! Networking issues, virus infections, slow performance - let us get you connected again, and get that computer running smoothly so it's as useful as it was meant to be! Whether it be a Linux or Windows system, don't despair - we can help you! And, we'll come to you!
child leading grandparent at computer
Are you a senior? Do you feel like your grandchildren are way ahead of you and leaving you bewildered behind them? Call us - we'll check out your computer and spend an hour coaching you with browsing, email, or wherever you're struggling, and help you to get caught up - and all at a special rate too!

Not sure what questions to ask? Call us - we're good listeners, and we'll help set you straight!

Concerned about privacy? Read our our take on confidentiality... and perhaps onĀ recycling too!

(Don't forget to check out our "Services for Business" page for a more comprehensive list of services which we can provide.)

Why deal with us...?

We Care...!